Hollywood, a dream place of many actors, I won't use the word "all", because there must be some actors don't dream about the Hollywood, maybe Bollywood, or other place. This blog will talk about the relation among the acting, life and Hollywood.
At the beginging of this blog, I have to talk about myself, not an actor, but I had took some acting classes, still not important for this blog, the most important point for me to write this blog, I had one acting teacher had been working in Hollywood, and had a lecture from two guest speakers who had worked in Hoolywood as well.
Open you searching engine, and type Hollywood, that's where you can find the picture I just posted here. Isn't it looks great, like a dream place? Even it may not be all actors' dream, still, there are throusands or millions actors and young people dream about it. Just like there are many young girls had dream about become the angel of Victoria's secret.
As we all know, models and actors are two different job. Models need to have a perfect body for the brand they are working with, healthy, good looking, that's probably when people first thinking of the models. Actors, just like the name, good at acting. But, nobody knows, since when, actors need to have a "good" body, perfect face to keep their role they want to play.
From one of my acting teachers, he said that he had dreamd about the acting career life in LA, Hollywood, but there is too much pressure. 100% understand, pressures, Hollywood, such a famous place for actors, so many of actors dream about going there. There are full of the actors who have great acting skills, they are all looking for an opportunity to catch the attention from the public. Which also may become one of the reason that actors start care about the outlook of them. After all, not everyone like Leonardo DiCaprio, which I just wrote one blog about him, we have to say that Leonardo has great great acting skill, and he had a great opportunity when he was young, which are all conect to his successful today.
I had a hostsister, she was 4 years younger, she dreams about to become one of the angels of Victoria's secret, but she never think about to control her body or do a nose job something, which just make her looks perfect enough to become one of the angels, she always says healthy is more inportant than beauty, and she was 13. But, guest speakers I had in my acting class, she told us back in Hollywood, there are a lot of actors are gaining or lossing weight just for the shows they want to continue playing, or the roll they want, it may looks normal, we would think that's the way they work, but what if that actor too fat or too thin to hurt his or her health. We can't tell someone is healthy or not just by looking at them, the same reason, we can't tell if this actor is naturelly looks like this.
However, personaly think, acting career is important to actors, but life is more important. Every acotr should find a best way of his or her lifestyle. In addition, if there is one Hollywood, there will be another place like it.